Can White Hairs be transplanted

Can White Hairs be transplanted?

White hair transplantation is identical to a traditional hair transplant. However, because of the overuse of chemical-based hair products and increased air pollution, both men and women are developing white hair in their mid-30s to late 30s. Using white hair for hair transplant has certain distinct advantages and might be cost-effective in specific cases. However, additional care and precision are required.

Can I get my white hair transplanted?

Those with white hair question if a hair transplant is a viable alternative. Patients often report satisfied results since white hair is thicker. This technique is appropriate for people of all ages, even the elderly.

What color will my hair be after a hair transplant?

Yes, we can get nearly the same color. However, this requires additional planning and flawless execution. As a result, select a reputable clinic. To avoid mismatched hair colors, you must first find a professional and experienced hair transplant surgeon.

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most recent breakthrough in hair transplantation, and it involves selecting grafts from the rear of the scalp.
  • Previously, FUT was employed, in which the surgeon took a strip of hair from the donor area and transplanted it to the recipient area. Because of this careful choosing, the surgeon has the option of selecting the appropriate hair strand. As a result, the hair blends in perfectly.

The most difficult aspect of transplanting white hair is mismatched coloring. To achieve consistency, the surgeon must carefully distribute the grafts, and the results will appear natural. If you had different hues before the transplant, they would match after the transplant. The patient can modify the color of his or her hair by using a dye. Through the scalp, the patient achieves denser hair and the desired hair color. With your surgeon’s consent, the dye should be administered after 4 to 6 months. When the scalp is recovering following surgery, it is important to avoid using any typing products. The more strictly you adhere to post-transplant treatment, the faster and more satisfactory the outcome.

Why should a person choose White Hair Transplantation?

These are some of the Benefits of a hair transplant:

  • The scalp seems denser and fuller after a hair transplant with white hair.
  • Furthermore, white hair stands out due to a loss of oil-holding capacity, which keeps it together. As a result, the finished hairdo is better and wavier.
  • Because white hair has a higher density, fewer grafts are required to obtain the desired look. Fewer grafts imply fewer sessions, faster healing time, and cost-effectiveness.
  • If the patient wants to color their hair after 4 to 6 months, they can do so without having to bleach it. The hair is safer when no bleach is used.

White hair is most commonly found near the nape of the neck and around the ears. Choose the hair follicles in the donor area judiciously so that the donor’s hair matches the hair in the recipient spot. However, you should not be alarmed. Hair Experts at Cliniq have years of experience in selecting the best Donor hair. For more details about white hair transplantation, please contact our hair transplant experts at Cliniq, one of the best hair transplant clinics in Hyderabad.

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